Zambian Carnivore Programme
We have been supporting ZCP for around 7 years, through sales of dedicated animal design collections.

Thanks to purchases through our online store, local shop and we have managed to do our part in supporting Zambian Carnivore Programme with a total of $10,044.26.
This money has been used to re-invest into protection our ecosystems and carniverous predators.

ZCP • Conserving large carnivores and the ecosystems in which they reside through science, action, local leadership, and coexistence
What Does Zambian Carnivore Programme Do?
The ZCP Vision: Restored and thriving ecosystems that are collaboratively conserved by local communities, scientists, and policy-makers through evidence-based approaches.
The ZCP Mission: To conserve Zambia’s large carnivores and the ecosystems they reside in through science, action and strengthening local leadership.

Supporting Conservation Initiatives
Whilst supporting and researching our vital predators and ecosystems, ZCP also plays a crucial role in our community.
Their wildlife conflict team carries out essential education to help livestock farmers deter carnivores and maintain their livelihoods.
Also within this sector, they run multiple community game drives to educate members of our community who have difficult relationships with wildlife due to damage on livestock the role they play in our ecosystem.
Alongside this they support young individuals to create a career in conservation and become future leaders. Their education is vital.

The Importance Of Supporting ZCP
Our partnerships
For over 7 years we have been supporting the critical work of ZCP. Within their essential research they focus on carnivores but also the larger ecosystem they are part of. From researching Giraffes to the Spotted Hyena all animals are important.
Not only do they carry out essential field research that helps conserve our wildife but they also are partnered with Conservation South Luangwa, Department Of National Parks and Wildlife alongside a vital veterinary team. This means all animals are provided with protection and veterinary care in the unfortunate case of poaching or snare wire.
Moreover, as discussed earlier they have incredible human and wildlife co-existence teams alongside conservation leadership. This work includes sponsorship, community theatre, radio shows, football tournaments, community game drives, and primary and secondary school conservation clubs.
We can't state their importance enough and every purchase is essential to the continuation of our donations that enable these amazing teams to carry out their essential work.
Help support today through Tribal Textiles!

Thank You For Your Support
make zambia's future bright
Without YOUR purchases, we would not be able to provide donations through sales to Zambian Carnivore Programme and beyond.